25th February 1737 (Monday), Buttelstedt
18th January 1819 (Monday), Paide
Age at death:
Copyright status of works:
Public domain; can be used, copied and distributed by everybody
Info from Wikipedia:
August Wilhelm Hupel was a Baltic German publicist, estophile and linguist.
In 1766–1767, he translated for Lühhike öppetus, the first Estonian language periodical publication, edited by Peter Ernst Wilde. In 1771, he published a medical textbook, Arsti ramat nende juhhatamisseks kes tahtvad többed ärra-arvada ning parrandada (Estonian for Manual of medical diagnostics and healthcare, literally Doctor's book to instruct those who want to guess and repair ailments).
No own Low German works, only translations or works about Low German.
Names of August Wilhelm Hupel:
  • Hupel, August Wilhelm

Works authored by August Wilhelm Hupel
