Authors in Plattmakers Black, the Low German Literature Search
No biographical data.
hett von 2002 bet 2010 Warf an de Universität Brasília studeert un sietdem as Redaktörin för Warfagenturen un Ünnernehmens arbeidt; siet 2017 för dat Instituto Sicoob
No own Low German works, works have been translated into Low German.
Names of Gabriela Pelli:
- Gabi Pelli (other name)
- Gabriela Pelli Ribeiro dos Santos (full name)
- Pelli, Gabriela

Works authored by Gabriela Pelli
📖Caio hät air klair Nikelgild fuune. Instituto Sicoob, Brasília 2021, ISBN 978-65-88056-02-8
📖Margô un Davi sin nam klain merkat hengåe. Instituto Sicoob, Brasília 2021
📖Marina hät de television uutmåken forgeete. Instituto Sicoob, Brasília 2021
📖Miguel, Aninha un Dedê häwe gild kreege. Instituto Sicoob, Brasília 2021
🗞Samlung Financinhas. Instituto Sicoob, Brasília 2021, [4 volumes]