16th November 1869 (Tuesday), Oldenburg
28th December 1945 (Friday), Göttingen
Age at death:
Copyright status of works:
Public domain; can be used, copied and distributed by everybody
Info from Wikipedia:
Hermann Gerhardt Karl Oncken was a German historian and political writer. He was one of the most notable historians of pre-Nazi Germany.
He lectured at the universities of Chicago (1905), Giessen (1906), Heidelberg (1907–1923), Munich (1923–1928), and Berlin (1928–1935). In 1935 he was forced to retire by the Nazi regime, which he opposed.
He specialized in the 19th century, history of historical thought, history of political thought.
Notable students:

Franz Schnabel (1887–1966), Ph.D. 1910
Gerhard Ritter (1888–1967), Ph.D. in 1912
Names of Hermann Oncken:
  • Oncken, Hermann

Works authored by Hermann Oncken
