ca. 1315, Hildesheim
5th May 1375 (Friday), Marienau
Copyright status of works:
Public domain; can be used, copied and distributed by everybody
Info from Wikipedia:
John of Hildesheim, O.Carm. (Latin: Johannes de Hildesheim) (born in 1310/1320, Hildesheim, and died in 1375, Marienau) was a writer and Carmelite friar from the German town of Hildesheim, then the capital of the Prince-Bishopric of Hildesheim, an independent state within the Holy Roman Empire. Due to his status as a friar, he was able to travel through Germany, France and Italy, and his broad literary opus includes works of philosophy, theology and poetry.
No own Low German works, only translations or works about Low German.

Works authored by Johannes
