Authors in Plattmakers Black, the Low German Literature Search
11th November 1811 (Monday), Rostock
4th August 1873 (Monday), Schwerin
Age at death:
weer op de grote Stadtschool in Rostock; hett in Rostock un Leipzig
Philologie studeert; is 1834 Schoolmeester an’t Gymnasium Fridericianum in Swerin
worrn, wat he bet to sien Dood 1873 bleven is; siet 1867 harr he an dat Mittelniederdeutsche Wörterbuch arbeidt un weer toletzt von’n Deenst freestellt, üm an dat Wöörbook arbeiden to könen
No own Low German works, only translations or works about Low German.
Names of Karl Schiller:
- Karl Christian Schiller (full name)
- Schiller, Karl
Works authored by Karl Schiller