23rd July 1777 (Wednesday), Wolgast
2nd December 1810 (Sunday), Hamburg
Age at death:
Copyright status of works:
Public domain; can be used, copied and distributed by everybody
Info from Wikipedia:
Philipp Otto Runge was a German artist, draftsman, painter, and color theorist. Runge and Caspar David Friedrich are often regarded as the leading painters of the German Romantic movement.: 51 p. : 443 pp.  He is frequently compared with William Blake by art historians, although Runge's short ten-year career is not easy to equate to Blake's career.: 38 pp. : 343 pp.  By all accounts he had a brilliant mind and was well versed in the literature and philosophy of his time. He was a prolific letter writer and maintained correspondences and friendships with contemporaries such as Carl Ludwig Hein…
Names of Philipp Otto Runge:
  • Runge, Philipp Otto

Works authored by Philipp Otto Runge
