Authors in Plattmakers Black, the Low German Literature Search
27th July 1915 (Tuesday)
9th September 1998 (Wednesday), Lansing, Michigan
Age at death:
boren in dat Dörp Petersdorf von de Kolonie Jasykowo (Russland, vondaag Ukraine); in de Tiet von de russ’sche Revolutschoon sünd sien Vader un Grootvader von Machnowschtschina ümbröcht worrn; de Familie is 1928 na Kanada utwannert un keem över Québec na Manitoba; he is denn Schoolmeester worrn, toeerst in Barkfield
(Manitoba), denn in Landmark
(Manitoba), bevör he Perfesser an de Minnesota State University Moorhead
worrn is
No own Low German works, only translations or works about Low German.
Names of Victor Peters:
- Peters, Victor

Works authored by Victor Peters