Publishers in Plattmakers Black, the Low German Literature Search
publishing house
Full name:
Grenzlandverlag Gustav Boettcher
Dobrovolsk (Pillkallen)
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Start of operation:
End of operation:
1940 (existed for -62 years)
Authors published by “Boettcher”
Works published by “Boettcher”
📖Franz Née: Op’t Land biem Bur. 2nd improved edition, Boettcher, Pillkallen 1936
📖August Schukat: Seele des Landvolks: Besinnliche Erzählungen in ostpreußischer Mundart. Boettcher, Pillkallen [1936]
📖August Schukat: Seele des Landvolks: Besinnliche Erzählungen in ostpreußischer Mundart. 2nd edition, Boettcher, Pillkallen/Ostpr. [1936]
📖Charlotte Keyser: Bi ons to Hus: Leederkes von hied un morge äwer Lache un Sorge; Text und Melodie. Boettcher, Pillkallen 1937