1303, Finsta
31st July 1373 (Saturday), Rome
Copyright status of works:
Public domain; can be used, copied and distributed by everybody
Info from Wikipedia:
Bridget of Sweden, OSsS born as Birgitta Birgersdotter, also Birgitta of Vadstena (Swedish: heliga Birgitta), was a Swedish widow, mystic, saint, and the founder of the Bridgettines. Outside Sweden, she was also known as the Princess of Nericia and was the mother of Catherine of Vadstena.
Bridget is one of the six patron saints of Europe, together with Benedict of Nursia, Cyril and Methodius, Catherine of Siena and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
No own Low German works, only translations or works about Low German.

Works authored by Birgitta
