12th December 1867 (Thursday), Eberswalde
23rd January 1940 (Tuesday), Göttingen
Age at death:
Copyright status of works:
Public domain; can be used, copied and distributed by everybody

Söhn von en Schoolmeester; weer von 1886 bet 1890 op de Universität Berlin un hett Theologie studeert; hett as Huuslehrer in Eberswalde, Beetzendörp un Brinkhof arbeidt; is 1894 in Berlin ordineert worrn un weer toeerst Vikar in Bomihl un Hülpspreddiger in Rudow un de Dorotheenstädtische Kark in Berlin; von 1896 bet 1899 Pastoor in Steimke, 1899 bet 1910 in Berkau, 1910 bet 1920 Meßdörp un 1920 bet to’n Rohstand 1934 in Ahlum

Names of Botho Klaehre:
  • Heinrich Leopold Botho Klaehre (full name)
  • Klaehre, Botho

Works authored by Botho Klaehre
