Publishers in Plattmakers Black, the Low German Literature Search
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Authors published by “Werther”
Works published by “Werther”
📖John Brinckman: Kasper-Ohm un ik. 3. Uplag, Werther, Rostock 1877
📖John Brinckman: Voß un Swinegel odder Dat Brüden geit üm. Werther, Rostock 1877
📖John Brinckman: Höger up. Mottje Spinkus un de Pelz. De General-Reeder: Drei plattdeutsche Erzählungen. Werther, Rostock 1886
📖Johann Segebarth: Snaken un Snurren: Gedichte heiteren Inhalts in niederdeutscher Mundart. Werther, Rostock 1887
📖Johann Segebarth: Dat Strafgericht: Poetische Erzählung in niederdeutscher Mundart. Werther, Rostock 1888
📖John Brinckman: Kasper-Ohm un ik. 4th edition, Werther, Rostock 1890
📖John Brinckman: Voss und Swinegel. Uns’ Herrgott up Reisen. Peter Lurenz bi Abukir. 2nd edition, Werther, Rostock 1890
📖John Brinckman: Kasper-Ohm un ick. 5th edition, Werther, Rostock 1894
📖Felix Stillfried: Biweg’ lang: Ok en Struss Läuschen un Rimels. Werther, Rostock 1895
📖John Brinckman: Kleinere Erzählungen: Voß un Swinegel. Höger up. Mottche Spinkus un de Pels. De General-Reeder. Peter Lurenz bi Abukir. 3rd edition, Werther, Rostock 1895
📖John Brinckman: Kasper-Ohm un ick. 6th edition, Werther, Rostock 1896