The Goulden Treasury of Low German Nursery Rhymes is in the style of old children’s books, with delightful illustrations of innocent children at play and rhymes to amuse and instruct the young reader. But it is also a new kind of book – bringing us a treasury, as the title promises, of material previously unavailable, from our ancestral past, in our ancestral language. For those who grew up with the Low German, the rhymes and playful nonsense, once recited by rote, can now be heard with an adult ear, or shared with a new generation. Veleda Goulden has translated every rhyme and riddle into English, which allows for broader access and in itself begins to create new possibilities of meaning.
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Volle titel:
The Goulden Treasury of Low German Children’s Rhymes: Compiled, translated, and illustrated by Veleda Goulden
55 paginas
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